Finding Subdomain Using FFUF Tool



Today I will show you how to find subdomain using ffuf kali linux tool.

Let me introduce myself, I am Muhammad Shakib, a free time bug hunter.

We already know we can find subdomain using so many different tools like:

  1. subfinder
  2. amass
  3. sublist3r
  4. findomain
  5. assetfinder

and so on…

But today our main goal is using ffuf but HOW? let’s jump to it.

Require Tools

  1. Burp Suite [ for intercept the root request of a DOMAIN].
  2. make sure ffuf installed in your machine.

At first open your burp suite and open the default browser.

type your targeted domain for my case :

then intercept the request and copy all request into a file with .txt

here type FUZZ in the host: header where you want to fuzz and save it.

For now i create a simple wordlist but you can use your own wordlist.

Now it’s time to make a simple fuzzing with ffuf

ffuf -request req.txt -w words.txt

I found only two subdomain with 403, 301 code.

Tips: for first sub-domain like 403 status code you can try to bypass it

There so many tool are in GitHub for bypass 403

Thanks for reading my blog..

Note: this is write up only for educational purpose….

See you in the next write up



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